Rich Noni Soap – Natural Product

The noni fruit has been widely used to treat infections and inflammations caused by bacteria and viruses. Noni includes many antioxidants. Specifically, noni contains selenium, which enhances the skin’s elasticity. Selenium is an anti-aging substance that rejuvenates the skin. Because of these properties, manufacturers produce a beauty product from the noni fruit and introduced topical healing in noni soap bars. What about using rich noni soap?


Product Information:

Ingredient: The main components of coconut oil and noni juice, wax soap, distilled water
Uses: Absorption and moisturizing the skin, fresh skin, softens the joints limbs.
Size: 100gram / 1 piece
Origin: Viet Nam

rich noni soap

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Phone: (84)-835117926 / +84 977 533 368



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You must have heard a lot about the beauty benefits of fresh coconut milk. But have you ever tried coconut milk soap?


  • Deep Cleanses The Skin:

The best thing about coconut milk soap is that it actually cleanses the skin from inside without causing excessive dryness. Being rich in pure coconut milk, coconut milk soaps contain lots of fatty acids. The soap is formulated to deep cleanse the skin by removing all sorts of impurities (dirt, dust, dead cells, etc.) and that too while maintaining skin’s natural hydration. In short, it acts as a gentle, yet effective facial cleanser.

  • Moisturizes Thoroughly:

The huge amount of nutrients as well as fatty acids present in coconut milk soaps offer intense hydration to dry, dull and lifeless skin. Unlike other soaps, the coconut milk soaps do not dry out the skin while cleansing it. Rather, coconut milk soap’s super-moisturizing properties help in restoring the lost moisture of the skin by rejuvenating the cells thoroughly. As a result, we get soft, supple and smooth skin.

  • Keeps Aging At Bay:

Regular use of coconut milk soap can delay premature aging significantly. It has been found that coconut milk is enriched with powerful antioxidants including Vitamin C and Vitamin E, which lower the number of harmful free radicals in our body and prevent oxidative damages caused by them. It is also full of essential micronutrients like selenium, iron, copper, zinc, and so on, which take care of the health and nourishment of the skin. Regular use of this soap also claims to prevent wrinkles, fine lines, sun damages, age spots and sagging skin.

  • Wards Off Acne:

As said earlier, coconut milk soaps are effective in deep cleansing the skin, which makes them a great acne treatment option. Apart from it, coconut milk is packed with fatty acids like lauric acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, etc., which, being efficient anti-microbial agents, can reduce existing acne and prevent further breakouts to a great extent. Moreover, some of these fatty acids can work as antioxidants that put a stop to free radical damages and eliminate blemishes faster.

(Source: Internet)

Contact us for more information about herbal soap

Phone: (84)-835117926 / +84 977 533 368



Skype: shinesun_vietnam

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How to make herbal soap (Part 2)

#DIY #handmade


Step 4: Add your additional ingredients and stir.

Step 5: Pour the soap mixture into a soap mold.

Step 6: Let the soap harden at room temperature for about 30 minutes or until the surface of the soap becomes slightly firm.

Step 7: Put the soap molds in the freezer for about 20 minutes so it is firm and cool. You do not need to use the freezer but this speeds the process for making herbal soaps.

Step 8: Carefully remove the soap from the mold and leave it on a towel to complete the drying process. This should take about 2 days.


Contact us for more information about herbal soap

Phone: (84)-835117926 / +84 977 533 368



Skype: shinesun_vietnam

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How to make Herbal Soap (Part 1)

If you are thinking about how to make herbal soap, you have chosen an easy, creative way to add aroma and beauty to an otherwise ordinary item. Making your own herbal soaps gives you the option of adding your favorite herbs, oils or other ingredients such as milk or oatmeal. Herbal soaps are natural, which are usually better for your skin. Creating your own herbal soaps also gives you the option of adding ingredients that will enhance, help and compliment your specific skin type.


Step 1: Prepare the additional ingredients you plan to add to your herbal soap.

Grind the dried herbs or flowers with a mortar and pestle.

Boil 1/4 to 1/3 cup (60 to 80 ml) water, take it off the heat and let 2 to 4 tbsp. (30 to 60 ml) of the dried herbs and flowers of your choice steep for 15 minutes. This step is optional in how to make herbal soap.

Step 2: Cut the glycerin soap into cubes or slivers for easy melting. You can also grate it.

Step 3: Melt the glycerin soap, enough for one bar.

Use a double boiler to melt your soap. Stir gently.

Melt the soap in the microwave. Start with 30 seconds on high. If it has not melted, microwave for another 30 seconds. Repeat this until the soap has melted.



Contact us for more information about herbal soap 

Phone: (84)-835117926 / +84 977 533 368
Skype: shinesun_vietnam

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Benefits of Centella Asiatica for Skin

Centella Asiatica is known as Gotu Kola which has a lot of benefits for health.


  • Heals The Wound And Burns:

Scientifically this herb is known as Centella Asiatica. It has anti-bacterial, anti viral and anti-inflammatory tendencies. Therefore, this herb can easily be used for the treatment of skin burns, psoriasis, dermatitis etc. This herb can easily heal the cut, wounds and burns on the skin because it has properties that increase the blood supply to the affected area and thus, raises the antioxidant level there. A rise in the antioxidant level promotes the production of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts help in synthesizing collagen and thus, help in diminishing the stretch marks and scars that appear on the skin.

  • Perfect for Aging Skin:

Gotu Kola also acts as a toner for the skin. It tones and tightens the skin if you apply the herb topically. This is the reason why Gotu Kola is found in most of the anti-aging and skin firming creams these days. As this herb can promote the collagen production in human body, it can definitely help in improving the condition of an aging skin, wrinkles and fine lines. The fall of collagen production leads to fine lines, aging and wrinkles. Gotu Kola’s ability to replete the collagen supply in human body makes it a main ingredient in most of the anti-aging formulas.

  • Fights Cellulite:

Gotu Kola herb is also a classic ingredient to fight cellulite on the skin. Cellulite often causes a lumpy, dimpled and ugly appearance – just like an orange peel! The problem areas of cellulite are upper arms, thighs and buttocks. Gotu Kola acts as a diuretic by increasing the blood flow in the area and reducing the possible inflammation.


The Centella Asiatica Soap – Herbal Product makes your skin healthful and smooth. Contact us for more information

Phone: (84)-835117926 / +84 977 533 368
Skype: shinesun_vietnam